Copyrighted Material – All Rights Reserved

What does that phrase mean? Here’s the US Code governing COPYRIGHT LAW.

It means: do not rip off other people’s work. If you persist on ripping it off, or using names and personal stories without permission, or twisting stories, or not honoring publishing agreements (intent and spirit), or slandering people AND you know what the law is, then you’re probably flush with mob money or else you are serial criminals – or, in my case, you are part of a disinfotainment brigade intent on not seeing 9/11 tried in court.

Check out the full sequence of emails where Mike bitterly complained of people stealing from his shows. It has to do with common courtesy. He said, “all they had to do was ASK”. I am not Mike. I am insisting on the same be done in writing. For me it has nothing to do with courtesy, it will be about the law.

It pains me to have to state this so bluntly, but it must be said: on any material here, or elsewhere, if you steal from me, and/or in the process of doing that – cross a legal line with regard to negative characterization of myself, I will give you a “Come to Jesus” lesson in copyright laws, libel and slander you will not likely forget.

That clause goes up also to assuage the righteous anger some of Mike’s loyal listeners felt when they came to know some of the back-story of what Mike was up against. This didn’t belong at the other site, but I can take the gloves off here.

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